On Lun 03 Sep 2001 17:49, Bob wrote:
> Hi Maxim,
> Hotmail was hot because nobody had ever seen free webmail and it spread by
> word of mouth.  I don't know but did anyone see a hotmail commerical???
> What I am saying is that if php is always following or copying the
> technology that happened a couple years ago then what's the point?  php
> will then always be known as the low cost option and project managers won't
> even give it a second look.  What I am looking for is the cool factor.  I
> know technology needs time to improve but what's going to be cool in
> PHP5???  It's like a race that never finishes and who is winning?  ASP or
> PHP?

Well, whats your contribution? I mean, ideas. Like what would you like PHP to 
have in the version 5?

I am in some other free projects, and I can tell you that there is so much to 
do, that the developers don't have time to finish them, so you'll see in the 
TODO lists things like: "Didn't have time to finish it. Maybe in the next 

But let me say one last things, the developers also need some ideas, like 
what you want, and if ASP has something interesting that PHP doesn't then you 
have to go for it!

At least that's my thinking

Saludos... ;-)

Porqué usar una base de datos relacional cualquiera,
si podés usar PostgreSQL?
Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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