<Original message>
From: Lic. Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 05:13:04PM -0500
Subject: [PHP] Problem: ereg doesn't work o
> Hello,
> I have a problem with ereg: following the example from the documentation
> (see the ereg page in the manual), I'm using it to parse a YYYY-MM-DD date
> and get DD-MM-YYYY, but with well formed YYYY-MM-DD it doesn't match!. Is
> this a bug?.
> Regards,
> Rodolfo.
> php-4.0.8-dev  (maybe the problem is due to the "dev", but I'd like to
> confirm it).

</Original message>


It would help if you send the code you're using, 'cause we can't see
what you're doing now. FAFAIK it should just be possible. See the
following example:

--- PHP Code Example ---

$myDate = "2001-01-31";
$RE = "([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2})";

if (ereg ($RE, $myDate, $matches)) {
  print ("<H1>Matched!</H1>\n\n");
  printf ("Year : %4d\nMonth:   %02d\nDay  :   %02d\n",
} else {
  print ("<H1>Didn't match!</H1>");

--- End of PHP Code Example ---



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