PHP 4.0.4pl1 is used here on an Apache 1.3.14 on a RedHat Linux 7.0
Kernel 2.2.17

Tamas Arpad wrote:
> On Friday 21 September 2001 17:17, Patrick Sibenaler wrote:
> > I submit a form with multipart/form-data, where a field 'name'
> > contains let's say 'john'. On submit, I do get the expected global
> > $name -variable but the content has a CR/LF or /n character in
> > front of the actual content, like:
> Hi,
> As I wrote before for me this was caused by Konqueror. But I think I
> read it on (about half year ago) that there was a bug in
> an older (but still v4) PHP, maybe in 4.02 that causes the same
> effect. So if you have an older php on the other server try to
> upgrade it to the newest version.
>         Arpi

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