Thanks! What would people reccommend?

1) just using safe mode

2) using open_basedir and disable_functions

3) all of the above?

4) Just shutoff the server :)

If (2) or (3) what functions are most at risk? I understand that safe_mode
limits quite a few already.



-----Original Message-----
From: Tamas Arpad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Enabling php in only certain hosts and directories

On Wednesday 24 October 2001 08:19, you wrote:
> Well, php runs the same as apache, so whatever apache can access,
> php can access.
> So any files with the db passwords that need to be accessed by php,
> can be seen by all users who can upload php scripts to your server.
That's not completely true. You can use open_basedir, safe_mode
settings in apache's configuration, based on virtualhosts or even
directories. This way you can restrict users, virtual hosts to their
own directories.

> > Hello all,
> >
> > I am just configuring up a new web server, and I want to be able
> > to run php only in the web servers main document root and in
> > specified virtual hosts, I have a fair understanding on how to go
> > about this, but would really like some feedback before I get to
> > far into it. Basically the only directories I don't want to be
> > able to use php are all the user directories (/~username) unless
> > they have been mapped to a virtual host that has the right
> > directives in them to enable php.

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