What happens there is this:

$email = "1. row";
$email = "2. row";
$email = "3. row";
echo $email;

You really need to put echo $email inside the loop or use '.=' to set up
values to $email.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Kurth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: 26. lokakuuta 2001 10:11
To: php
Subject: [PHP] problem with a while loop

 I am trying to get the data out of the while loop if I echo $email
inside the } it gives me all of the data but if I echo it out side of
the loop it only gives me one record even though I know there is  more.
How can I get this to work

$query = "SELECT * FROM members Where Company  LIKE '%$search1%'";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
$email= $row["lname"] . " " . "<" . $row["E_mail_1"] . ">" . ";";

echo $email;

Best regards,
 Richard                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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