
i keep getting an error of: Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL
result resource in /datascripts/insertdata.php on line 17...

Line 17 is: $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($test);

and here is the rest of it (not all of it though):

for ($p = 1; $p <= 24; $p++) {
$test = mysql_db_query("melbourne", "SELECT * FROM 'Port$p' WHERE
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc ($test);
$yindata = $row['switchin'];
$youtdata = $row['switchout'];
$dinPort = '$inPort$p' - $yindata;
$doutPort = '$outPort$p'  - $youtdata;

Can anyone help me overcome this prob? i've prob missed something without
thinking but i cant seem to get it...



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