Have a regular expression which replaces ' with '' (used to insert ' into db):
   preg_replace("/\'/", "''", $text );
This works great on the UNIX production machine but not on windows 
development environment.  Actually replaces ' with \'' not ''.

Before I write a function that loops thought the whole thing looking at 
each character and replaces ' with '' has anybody got any ideas?


* Ben Edwards                                +352 091 429995 *
* Homepage                http://www.gifford.co.uk/~bedwards *
* i-Contact Progressive Video    http://www.videonetwork.org *
* Smashing the Corporate image     http://www.subvertise.org *
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* PGP : F0CA 42B8 D56F 28AD 169B  49F3 3056 C6DB 8538 EEF8   *

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