> Hi again,
> I believe it should disallow openning a directory in safe mode if the UID
> of the directory does not match the UID of the PHP script.
> That is exactly the behavior of fopen() in safe mode.

> Without that behavior, users are permitted to write a PHP script that lets

> them crawl around the webserver seeing things they have no rights to see.

Now I see what you want :)

> It happens on our system that there will never be any files owned by
> user A under a directory owned by user B. But even if there were, I think
> safe mode should disallow this type of filesystem reading.

Under UNIX like systems, /tmp is world writable and everyone on 
the system can open dir/wirte/read files, but it's possible to 
secure files/directory under /tmp. I think you can apply the same.

GID support also helps to allow opening files certain group.
Is it not enough for your security needs?

> Do you think the fact that this file reading is permitted is a bug that
> should be reported?

I think the feature that check dir UID/GID will be useful for some 
prople. How about submit a feature request (It's one of bug report 

BTW, you have opotion that disallow opendir at all, with 
disable_functions directive in php.ini

Yasuo Ohgaki

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