


Richard S. Crawford wrote:

> Consider this code, in page1.php:
> <?php
>         setcookie("someWord","I am a cookie");
> ?>
> ...and this code, in page2.php:
> <?php
>         setcookie("someWord",$someWord);
>         print ("someWord says: $someWord");
>         $someWord = "I am a variable";
>         print ("< a href=\"page2.php?someWord=$someWord\" >Click here< 
> /a >");
> ?>
> (In the actual code, the value of $someWord is passed via POST through 
> a form, but the principle is the same.)
> The first time I load page2.php, the output should be:
>         someWord says: I am a cookie
> Which, of course, works perfectly.
> But each subsequent time I load page2.php, I want the output to be:
>         someWord says: I am a variable
> and then set the value of the cookie "someWord" to "I am a variable".
> But that's not what happens.  Everytime I load page2.php, someWord 
> tells me that it is a cookie.
> How do I get the value of the variable to override the value of the 
> cookie?
> Sliante,
> Richard S. Crawford
> http://www.mossroot.com
> AIM: Buffalo2K   ICQ: 11646404  Y!: rscrawford
> "It is only with the heart that we see rightly; what is essential is 
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupéry
> "Push the button, Max!"

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