I'm having some new troubles pulling information out of a MySQL database. 
The page I'm currently working on has a simple form, that asks the user to 
select a month and year from two dropdown menu's then forwards their 
choices on to a new page which displays community events for the chosen 
month and year. This all works great.

However, this new page that displays the community events along with their 
date allows the user to click on the name of the event for a more detailed 
list (location, time, description, etc) - this is the part that isn't working.
The problem seems to be that the script forgets the previously chosen month 
and year when it goes to display the event in greater detail.

How can I get the script to remember the month and year so it will display 
the proper information? My immediate thought is a cookie, but I have no 
idea how to do this ... can anyone offer any other suggestions, or if a 
cookie is the way to go - can someone point me in the right direction?

The site is hosted on a Sun Solaris box with PHP 3.0.16 and MySQL 3.23.31


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