On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:17, Tim Thorburn wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some new troubles pulling information out of a MySQL
> database. The page I'm currently working on has a simple form, that
> asks the user to select a month and year from two dropdown menu's then
> forwards their choices on to a new page which displays community events
> for the chosen month and year. This all works great.
> However, this new page that displays the community events along with
> their date allows the user to click on the name of the event for a more
> detailed list (location, time, description, etc) - this is the part
> that isn't working. The problem seems to be that the script forgets the
> previously chosen month and year when it goes to display the event in
> greater detail.
> How can I get the script to remember the month and year so it will
> display the proper information? My immediate thought is a cookie, but I
> have no idea how to do this ... can anyone offer any other suggestions,
> or if a cookie is the way to go - can someone point me in the right
> direction?
> The site is hosted on a Sun Solaris box with PHP 3.0.16 and MySQL
> 3.23.31
> Thanks

Presumably each event will have a unique ID? Then pass that ID as part of 
the URL on the link for the detailed information, and use the ID to 
select the detailed information.

David Robley      Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   A cat is the universe's way of showing us perfection.

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