Good day,

What user is the application running as?  Only the superuser can use these
functions (this is documented with both of these functions).

For security reasons, you may want to use an external sudo script to
accomplish this.  Be very, very careful...

Darren Gamble
Planner, Regional Services
Shaw Cablesystems GP
630 - 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4L4
(403) 781-4948

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Warner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 8:24 AM
Subject: [PHP] chown/chgrp not working

I have a client that I made a image uploader/thumbnailer for
that insists on using FrontPage.  In order to make FP
happy, I need to set the owner to 'nobody' and the group
to 'site3' which are uid 99 and gid 117.  The uploaded file
is set as httpd/root and the thumbnail created by the script
comes out httpd/site3.

First I tried:

     chown($file_name, 99);
     chgrp($file_name, 117);

Next I tried:

     chown($file_name, '99');
     chgrp($file_name, '117');

This fails to get the uid or gid, so the first syntax appears
to be correct.

Finally I tried:

     chown($file_name, 'nobody');
     chgrp($file_name, 'site3');

Error message for first and third attempts is identical:

Warning: chown failed: Operation not permitted in
/home/sites/site3/web/dev/maintenance.php on line 191

Why is it 'not permitted' and how do I allow it?

-- Paul

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