
This is regarding the same problem that Jeff posted earlier (yes, the exast
same problem - I'm working with him).  He seems to have given some of you
the wrong impression about the problem - he is not ignoring your posts, it's
just that the posts aren't helping the problem ;)

The problem is that the @ isn't suppressing the warnings properly.  Our code
is currently trying to pull the results of a script off a server - and if it
can't, it uses the most current copy stored locally.  The problem, is that
while we are expecting the @ to suppress the warnings (and thereby letting
us continue on to use file() on the local copy), it is instead allowing file
to spit out a warning which kills the script.

We are currently getting a errornum of 2, and it's spitting out
fopen(<filename>) - Success which is exceedingly annoying.

What would be perfect, is if someone knows of an alternate way to download a
file from a server - if that failed, set a flag and continue processing
rather than simply erroring out.

Thanks for any help - sorry for the miscommunication earlier.


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