Dear all
I had designed a Index.php, this page is made of different Frames by using
UltraDev.The Frame included are Top, Left and Main. In my Left Frame which i
used left.php, i had use JavaScript to make a Menu. Top Frame is a Banner
and Main is just some content. When i browse preview it, the page just go
Then Later on.
I had a Login.php page which will let user login before they can access my
Internal Website.
In my Login.php Page, the user will type in the Username and Password, and i
had set to post these two var to Index.php. and in Index.php just before the
<html> tag, i add a scrpt:
<? requrie ("check.php")?> This Check.php is actually the script which will
verify the Username and Password passed from Login.php.
Once <? requrie ("check.php")?> and add into Index.html, then there is
nothing shows up, not even frames, menu or any Banner!!
Could someone pls help me with this!! I'm Stuck!!!

Thx a lot!!

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