
Thanks, now I have to just figure out how to do that stuff.  I take it
handling PHP from a remote non-PHP server is not a big issue.

The Java Applet is doing something else.  It is providing a monitoring
process to the database so a static html page and be pushed whatever content
if the database application so deems it without refreshing the html page.


"Miles Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Rick,
> It's amazing how one gets locked into a PHP mindset. Do all that stuff you
> outlined in your reply, but why not have a second Java applet to update a
> remote database? PHP doesn't have ownership over the database.
> Miles
> At 08:06 AM 1/7/2002 -0500, Richard Spangenberg wrote:
> >Miles,
> >
> >The reason for the javascript is that the hosting ISP does not support
> >
> >Each time a new session is started, the javascript would have to:
> >- check for cookie
> >-if it doesn't exist
> >         -poll database for next new custome ID#
> >         -set new cookie id
> >         -update database with page info
> >         -download java applet (does something else)
> >
> >I guess I wasn't sure if a non PHP supported domain could access the PHP
> >database from a remot   server or not and how one would do that.  I am
> >things up in PHP but fairly new at it.
> >
> >Rick
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Miles Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2002 10:52 PM
> >To: Richard Spangenberg; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >Subject: Re: [PHP] Remote Cookie ID and Web Statistics
> >
> >
> >
> >Why would you want to use Javascript? Just have some code at the top of
> >each page which
> >-checks for the cookie
> >-if it doesn't exist
> >     -identify customer, login page or however you choose
> >     -set cookie
> >     -update database
> >-if it does exist
> >     -update the database with some information pertinent to that page
> >
> >Or are these straight HTML pages, thus the need for Javascript to do
> >something? I don't konw a lot of Javascript, but you could have it pop
> >a PHP page in a child browser window, back in the Z-order so that it
> >be behind your "main" page (only for Internet Explorer), and use it to do
> >the above steps.
> >
> >For every page transition you would have to pass the appropriate
> >to the child window and force it to refresh. You will have some trouble
> >with people who have Javascript and cookies turned off.
> >
> >As I said, I don't know Javascript, so this is just off the top of my
> >A straight PHP solution would be preferable and I assume it's not
> >either because the ISP doesn't host it or for some political reason.
> >
> >
> >Miles Thompson
> >
> >
> >At 10:28 PM 1/6/2002 -0500, Richard Spangenberg wrote:
> > >Hello, - for something a little different...
> > >
> > >Does anyone have experience using Javascript on remote server html
> >delivered
> > >pages to capture data in a PHP MySQL database resident at my domain.
> > >
> > >I would like to build a customer profile database for a customer using
> > >permanent cookie on a visitor's browser client to ID them and track
> > >visits by page over time.  This is similar to a live or remote web
> > >statistics process for a session but posting to a mysql database by
> > >mapped category by page in addition to the web stats.  I'd like to
> > >both the session and by posting to a visitor database, long term trends
> > >well.
> > >
> > >Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> > >
> > >Thanks, Rick
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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