At 01:02 PM 1/27/2002 -0500, Andre Amaral wrote:
>Thank you for the wuick response.
>Now. Can I make a script that works in both Linux and Windows without much

I'm currently working with a few developers to redesign my company's 
website using PHP.  I am developing on a Linux platform while some of the 
other developers are using Windows.  We are using CVS to merge our 
individual changes into one main source tree.

So far this has been working really well.  I've found that it's much easier 
to develop on Linux first and then tweak any oddities on the Windows 
side.  For example, the following is only valid on Windows:

$file = "some\\relative\\path\\filename.ext";

But the following is valid on either platform:

$file = "some/relative/path/filename.ext";

Another example is case sensitivity.  To Windows, "SomePath/filename.ext" 
is the same as "somepath/filename.ext" but not on Linux.  Since Linux is 
the more picky of the two (for good reason) then it's easier to make sure 
the case is correct on the Linux side.  Just be careful and don't create 
"Filename.ext" and "filename.ext" as two different files on the Linux side, 
because Windows obviously won't be able to handle that.

I would say for 95% of basic scripts, you are not going to have any 
troubles.  You could run into problems would be scripts that work with the 
filesystem (for example, umask() doesn't work on Windows).  COM components 
can only be used on Windows, so avoid them if your goal is platform 
independence.  Most DB functions behave exactly the same way, with minor 
differences (for example, mssql_next_result() does not work if you are 
using Linux/FreeTDS but it does on Windows)....etc.  I've found that the 
mail() function works exactly the same on either platform assuming you have 
both servers configured properly.

My best advice is to develop on Linux first, periodically testing your 
scripts on Windows and tweaking the oddities.  It's not too tricky.  Let me 
know if you have questions...

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