> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Blichmann) wrote:
> > "Cc Zona" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > You can look over the environment vars available to you with a quick call
> > > to phpinfo() <http://php.net/phpinfo>.
> >
> > Thanks for replying, but as Philip stated in his reply to my question
> > its that the actual location doesn't appear in the environment block.
> That's true, the URL does not appear there as a single preset variable;
> it's up to you to re-assemble a URL out of the variables that are
> available, and thus the need to scan the vars phpinfo() has to offer.
> Since you're using PHP as a CGI, somewhat different variables get set than
> when PHP is run as a module, so a call to phpinfo() is the best way to
> identify the right vars for accomplishing your task.
> Question: before you dismissed phpinfo() as useless, did you call it and
> look at what's there?  Because more than likely the info that you envision
> extracting in a two step process (access URL, break down into needed
> components) can be directly accessed from one or more environment/server
> vars.

Hmm... I don't think it will work... what I was trying to say was that I
tried this and the information *isn't* there unless the browser is
responding to a 401 auth required header in which case it is...   Does
that make sense?  My understanding was that he wanted to use the
http://user@pass:site.com/ method *without* using a 401 auth required
header.... which I think is impossible... if I'm wrong someone please tell
me because I'd like to do it :)


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