What do people think about making a cron job call a page by doing a lynx
http://www.site.com/automatedtasks.php every hour?

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: February 16, 2002 9:59 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] scheduled tasks

At 06:41 AM 2/16/2002 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>"Is currently anyway of doing scheduled tasks with PHP (without using
>crontab)? "
>"What's wrong with using cron?"
>I'm building an OSS  site where the PostgreSQL data base maintenance,
>email sending, stats gathering, number crunching and graph plotting needs
>to be automated. My target audience will need things as simple as
>possible. I am under the impression that it would be a hassle and cost
>more to get a web host to install a cron script for Postgres. (Or have php
>as an executable binary instead of shared object.)

If the web host gives you access to a shell account then you could setup
the script...you wouldn't need them to do it.  You could build a copy of
PHP as an executable in your home directory and run it from there, no need
to get the host to do it.

Or there are a few ways that you could schedule the task remotely...use a
cron job from another server that either runs the PHP script locally,
connecting to the SQL database remotely, or you can use a cron job and lynx
to call a remote PHP page that will run your script.  Of course, this
requires your script to be in your web servers directory tree, but if
security is a concern you could always setup a .htaccess file to challenge
for credentials then use the "-auth" switch to lynx in your remote
script.  It's not the most secure thing in the world, but it's better than

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