I already seen it... I used "r+" and "aw".
I saw and example in www.php.net, in the fopen function description, but it
is incomplete...
this is taking me hours !!!.
Well, if I can preappend... how can I read, for example, the first 8 chars
of the last line I inserted ?. They have no fixed length.
I'm starting to feel silly :(.

"Chris Boget" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
news:01bd01c1d0f6$3fc51f60$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> > I guess thist must be really silly... but how can I append text to the
> > beginning of a file ???
> > I've been trying since a while... but all I get is overwriting !.
> Check out fopen().  There is an argument that you can use in that function
> call to determine how the data is sent to the file.
> Chris

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