Well, here's a lousy solution to a lousy problem :
(please don't crucify my code since I know it's not depurated)

$archivo = fopen("./registrados.txt", "a+");
if ($archivo) {

$posicion = fseek($archivo, -512, SEEK_END);
$datos = fread($archivo, 7);
$entero = intval(substr($datos, 2, 5));
If (empty($entero) || !is_int($entero)) {
    $entero = 1000;
$socio = str_repeat("0", 5 - strlen(strval($entero))).strval($entero);

$linea = "\n\"$socio\";\"$fecha\";\"$nombre
$linea = $linea . str_repeat(" ", 512 - strlen($linea));
fseek($archivo, 0, SEEK_END);
fwrite ($archivo, $linea, 512);

It does works... sounds amazing after this hours... helps everybody, you are
fine people !!!

"Miguel Cruz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió en el mensaje
> On Thu, 21 Mar 2002, Mauricio Sthandier wrote:
> > I could append but then I need to read the first 8 chars of the last
line I
> > appended... neither something I know how to do.
> Seek to the end of the file minus typical record length, read,
> look for the penultimate end-of-record delimiter (\n, probably) in there,
> and you've found your final record. If you don't find a delimiter, read
> some more and tack it onto the beginning of your string, then check again.
> Repeat until batter contains no large lumps.
> miguel

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