The difficulty of using a "FOR" loop in a WHILE loop is that the data record
doesn't change until the next WHILE loop.
I've used variations of the following to get multiple columns of data from a
database query.  A variation of this should work.

while ($cards=mysql_fetch_array($result))
  if ($num==1) print "<tr>";
  print "<td>";
  print $db[item];
  print "</td>";
  if ($num==3)
       print "</tr>";
    if ($num==2) print "</tr>";
   print "</table>";
Hope this helps,

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] HELP PLEASE!

At 27.03.2002  21:20, you wrote:
Even if I didnīt read your code exactly, the fault is
the do while loop
replace it with something like this
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
         for($i=0,$i < count($row);$i++)
         { // add something to make it fancy like a table or so
                 echo $row[$i];
in php4* there is something like foreach, which I do not exactly know
HTH Oliver
>My problem is I have a form that submits it info to a mysql table, well
>then I
>have a page that calls it from the mysql table and displays whatever is in
>mysql table. So, what script do I use to make it display multiple entrys??
>is the code:
>$title = "Powder Basin Motocross, INC. | | Rider Profiles";
>$conn = @mysql_connect ("host", "un", "pw")
>                 or die("Coudn't connect to the MySQL server.");
>mysql_select_db (pbmi_riderprofiles)
>         or die("Couldn't the select MySQL database.");
><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
><td class="mainheader" width="475" align="center" bgcolor="#666666">::
>Profiles ::</td>
><td valign="top" align="left">
><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><a href="index.php?
>topic=addprofile">Add your profile</a></font>
><hr width="475" align="left" noshade>
><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;First
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles first_name"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["first_name"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;Last
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles last_name"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["last_name"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;D.O.B:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles dob"); if ($row =
>($result)) { do { echo $row["dob"]; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array
>($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;City:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles city"); if ($row =
>($result)) { do { echo $row["city"]; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array
>($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;State:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles state"); if ($row =
>($result)) { do { echo $row["state"]; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array
>($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;E-
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><a href="mailto:<?
>=$riderfile[$i + 5]?>"><?php $result = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM
>riderprofiles email"); if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo
>["email"]; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)); }
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;Dirt
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles dirt_bike"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["dirt_bike"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;Class:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles race_class"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["race_class"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;Years
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles yr"); if ($row =
>($result)) { do { echo $row["yr"]; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array
>($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><b>&nbsp;Favorite
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles favorite_track"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["favorite_track"]; } while
>($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;Sponsors:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles sponsors"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["sponsors"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;Injuries:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles injuries"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["injuries"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?
> >"><b>&nbsp;Comments:</b></font></td>
><td><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><?php $result =
>mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM riderprofiles comments"); if ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)) { do { echo $row["comments"]; } while ($row =
>mysql_fetch_array($result)); } ?></font></td>
><td colspan="2"><hr width="475" align="left" noshade></td>
><font size="<?=$fontsize?>" face="<?=$fontface?>"><a href="index.php?
>topic=addprofile" style="font-size : 10pt;">Add your profile</a></font>
>That will only display one entry... how do i make it display all the
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