Ok....Thanks to all those who are helping me (sorry for cross-posting)...

My scripts are working great except for one thing....when it queries the db 
there are some fields that have a NULL value, thus when it writes the XML 
file it does this:

What I would like to do is either place an &nbsp; in the XML tags for all 
of these NULL fields - can I do an if / else statement in the code I am 
using below??

$phone_list = fopen("/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/test/phone_list.xml", "w+");

fwrite($phone_list, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n");
fwrite($phone_list, "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" 

fwrite($phone_list, "<test>\n");
fwrite($phone_list, "\t<phone_list>\n");

         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result))
                 $name = $row["name"];
                 $ext = $row["ext"];
                 $title = $row["title"];
                 $home = $row["home"];
                 $pager = $row["pager"];
                 $cell = $row["cell"];
                 $email = $row["email"];

                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t<employee>\n");
                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<name>");
                 fwrite($phone_list, "$name");
                 fwrite($phone_list, "</name>\n");

                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<ext>");
                         // would need an if / else statement here
                         fwrite($phone_list, "$ext");
                         // end if / else statement here
                 fwrite($phone_list, "</ext>\n");


fwrite($phone_list, "\t</phone_list>\n");
fwrite($phone_list, "</test>");



Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to call me 
at 318-338-2034.

Thank you for your time,

Jay Fitzgerald, Design Director - CSBW-A, CPW-A, CWD-A, CEMS-A
Bayou Internet..............(888) 
Mississippi Internet.......(800) 
Vicksburg Online..........(800) 
Tel: (318) 338-2034                ICQ: 38823829                     Fax: 
(318) 323-5053

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