One thing you need to thing about is if you are going to us DTDs.  If you
are and they specify that you need the <ext></ext> elements then it is best
to add a space when nothing is contained in $ext...

Thank you,

Ray Hunter
Firmware Engineer


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Price [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 4:12 PM
> To: Jay Fitzgerald
> Subject: Re: [PHP] RE: PHP/MySQL/XML
> On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 05:09  PM, Jay Fitzgerald wrote:
> > Ok....Thanks to all those who are helping me (sorry for
> > cross-posting)...
> That's okay.  This script looks a lot better -- because you 
> can actually 
> -do- something with the output!  :)
> > My scripts are working great except for one thing....when it queries
> > the db there are some fields that have a NULL value, thus when it 
> > writes the XML file it does this:
> > <null_field></null_field>
> Yep.
> > What I would like to do is either place an &nbsp; in the 
> XML tags for
> > all of these NULL fields - can I do an if / else statement 
> in the code 
> > I am using below??
> Yep.  But look at the point where you have placed your pseudo-if/else 
> statement.  Read through this script as though you were the PHP 
> processor -- what would happen?  Well, you'd open the file for 
> appending, you'd write your XML declaration and stylesheet PI, you'd 
> write a few element names, and then you'd write a name pulled 
> from your 
> database.  Fine, everything looks good up to this point... (continued 
> below)
> > $phone_list = fopen("/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/test/phone_list.xml",
> > "w+");
> >
> > fwrite($phone_list, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"
> > encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n");
> > fwrite($phone_list, "<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" 
> > href=\"phone_list.xsl\"?>\n\n");
> >
> > fwrite($phone_list, "<test>\n");
> > fwrite($phone_list, "\t<phone_list>\n");
> >
> >         while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result))
> >         {
> >                 $name = $row["name"];
> >                 $ext = $row["ext"];
> >                 $title = $row["title"];
> >                 $home = $row["home"];
> >                 $pager = $row["pager"];
> >                 $cell = $row["cell"];
> >                 $email = $row["email"];
> >
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t<employee>\n");
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<name>");
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "$name");
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "</name>\n");
> Here is where you're going to run into a problem.  Take a 
> close look at 
> what would happen if there is an $ext, and what would happen 
> if there is 
> no $ext (in other words, simulate the if/else statement in your mind):
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<ext>");
> >                         // would need an if / else statement here
> >                         fwrite($phone_list, "$ext");
> >                         // end if / else statement here
> >                 fwrite($phone_list, "</ext>\n");
> See what's wrong?  Regardless of whether or not there is an if/else 
> statement, you are still going to do the following two lines of code:
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<ext>");
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "</ext>\n");
> Because your if/else statement does not encompass these lines.  What 
> will the effect of this be?  I'll show you:
> if there is an $ext
>                       <ext>123</ext>
> if there is no $ext
>                       <ext></ext>
> So, even if you use the pseudo if/else statement, you will 
> still end up 
> with a possibly empty <ext> element.  If you changed your if/else 
> statement to encompass this entire section of the code, however, then 
> you can write <ext>123</ext> if there is an $ext variable or you can 
> have nothing happen if there is no $ext.  Here is what it would look 
> like in pseudocode:
>                  // would need an if / else statement here
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<ext>");
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "$ext");
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "</ext>\n");
>                  // end if / else statement here
> Does that make sense?  This way, if there's no $ext variable, 
> you don't 
> end up writing the <ext> and </ext> element tags.  So how do you 
> construct the actual statement?  Well, to be honest with you, I don't 
> think you want to use an if/else statement at all -- a simple if 
> statement will do the trick.  It works just like this:
>            if (!empty($ext)) {
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "\t\t\t<ext>");
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "$ext");
>                  fwrite($phone_list, "</ext>\n");
>            }
> The empty() "function" (actually a language construct, but the 
> difference isn't important) tests to see if there is actually 
> any value 
> attached to the $ext variable.  And the exclamation point inverts the 
> boolean value of the expression, meaning "if this is NOT 
> true".  So the 
> if statement above simply says "if the value held by $ext is 
> not empty, 
> write three tabs + <ext> + $ext + </ext> to the file pointed to by 
> $phone_list."
> The rest of your code looks good (closing the element tags 
> and the file 
> pointer).
> HTH,
> Erik
> ----
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown
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