We are confusing one another :)  I'm not talking 
about declaring variables per se, but rather making 
sure the variable exists before evaluating it.  So:

$var = 'foobar';
if ($var == 'foobar')

That's fine, no need to do declare $var before this 
in PHP. My words here simply mean to make sure it exists 
before comparing it. (let's not talk about oop)

Your example of $var$i is fine, and will work without 
any errors (if I'm following).  Btw, you should use 
arrays versus this method, arrays kick ass. Sure 
doing ${'foo'.$i} or similiar has its purpose but 
usually an array will do (please!).

When in doubt, put error_reporting(E_ALL) on top of your 
script and go to town.

Philip Olson

On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Erik Price wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 2, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Philip Olson wrote:
> > If you're distributing code in cyberspace it's a good
> > idea to make it error free too, E_NOTICE or otherwise.
> I got back quite a few responses on this list on the subject of having 
> variables that are not defined before they are used.  That's 
> interesting -- it's nice to know that I can take shortcuts and conjure 
> them up on the fly, but I didn't realize that it was good practice to 
> declare the variable before you actually use it in a script.  (I never 
> studied programming in any formal sense, as anyone who has seen my 
> source code can attest :).
> Sometimes I create variables dynamically, such that I could never 
> declare/initialize them in any realistic sense -- for instance, I might 
> have a while loop that executes a number of times equal to the number of 
> rows pulled from a database query.  And in this while loop, I might 
> generate a new variable (assigning it a name like $variable$i, using the 
> old $i++ trick to give it a unique numeric suffix).
> If I use this trick, does this doom me to never having fully-error-free 
> code?  Or is there something that I'm not getting here... The short of 
> it is that, as a novice programmer, I'd like to make sure I'm writing 
> the most legitimate code that I can.  Thanks for any input on this 
> thread, past or future.
> Erik
> ----
> Erik Price
> Web Developer Temp
> Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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