At 04.04.2002  15:23, you wrote:
>I have a html form with some "text" (T1) and "checkbox" (C1) fields to pass
>it to a php script.
>Accessing "text" fields has no problem.
>There is a problem when I use
>to take the value of C1 (ON)
>If it is not checked, then it is not set at all. (??why??)
>So I use :
>if (!isset($C1)) { $C1="0" }
>but still I get an warning that C1 is not set, on my screen.
>That happens before the use  of isset function.
>How can I susspent this warning message?
why do you use $HTTP_POST_VARS? Do I miss something?
if you have a form and send it, the vars have the same names as in your
form, will say if your checkbox name="foo" value="someval" will be transmitted,
then in the following page there´s a var named $foo. and the value will be 
if the box is checked, otherwise there´s no (or NULL or FALSE ???) value in it.
I personally prefer put checkbox vars (if there are several) in an array 
f.e. $foo[]
In the following page I just scan the array and if there´s a value in a field
thats fine.
HTH Oliver

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