This is the wrong group/list for this post.

The disabling of bars, or any sort of browser feature/appearance is NOT PHP.

PHP is a server side langauge.  Commonly, you would use JavaScript for such
stuff, so I recommend you check out the millions of JavaScript sites and
newsgroups on the web.

on 08/04/02 8:29 AM, David Johansen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I was just wondering if there was any way to turn off the bars at the top of
> the browser window with PHP. If not does anyone know a way that I could make
> it so that I could pass information from a form to window that I pop open
> with javascript. I would either need some way to make the window look just
> like a window that was popped up with this:
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
> 'joe', config='toolbar=0,menubar=0,directories=0,location=0')
> or some way I could pass the info from a form to that opened page.
> Thanks,
> Dave

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