"The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose between".

Subject: Uses of block markers in coding

GNU recommends a standard with block-markers aligned under each other and a 
number of people - including myself - find it senseless and 
counter-progressive to keep up an older standard resting from old days and 
doing the programmer a disfavor.

Too many programmers continue to use a style that originates back to the 
days where dumb terminals with one-line memory and line-editors was common.

Those days it could take long time to submit a line to the mainframe. I 
have tried it myself and in worst-case situations it could take up to half 
a minute to submit a line.

So naturally we put more things into one line. Statements like

if (tempratureM1>=tempratureSTP) {cout << "Warning! Cooling needed"; 
log(tempratureM1, "Warning);};

all in one line.

When editors became a little faster people started to write:

if (tempratureM1>=tempratureSTP)  {
   cout << "Warning! Cooling needed"; log(tempratureM1, "Warning); }

which is nicer to look at but would take many seconds more as one more line 
has to be submitted.

- - -

Nowadays few people have any problems with waiting for a CR.

But for mysterious reasons a rest from the old forced "standard" remains 
among people who use C(++) like languages.

It is still standard to write

if (some_expression) {

What the "{" - the marking of the beginning of a block that should be 
indented - is doing in the end of the line nobody has yet been able to 
explain me.

Why, then, are functions not written as

function foo(parameter1, foo(parameter1, parameter2, ... parameterN) {


In other block-structured languages you of course align block-markers under 
each other, allowing for easy scan.

if expression

I have yet to see anybody write

if expression begin

- - -

Does it matter? Oh, yes it does. A lot. As teacher I know from experience 
that programmers has a harder time tracking their own block with a number 
of "{"s dancing far out of sight in the right side of the screen. This is 
not a matter of experience. No experience can ever make it equally fast to 
control structures based on vertically aligned block-markers contra those 
where the marker can be found anywhere on a line.

As an amusing result of the weird practice it has been necessary to 
recommend a standard where the { }-pair is always used, even though there 
is only one statement following an if:

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114) {

instead of simply

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)

Why the need for the extra "{ }"s?

Of course because the the difference between

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)

(correct) and

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)  {

(wrong) is easily overlooked because of the block marker put away to the right!

But nobody overlooks the difference betweeen

if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)


if ($myvarirable1*myvariable2 >= myvariable3*myvariable4+114)

where the missing "}" shines in the eyes.

- - -

We can only hope that some major standard-setters for PHP should make a 
rational decision about what standard to choose and not just keep "what we 
are used to" for the disadvantage of future generations of programmers.


Best regards

U5com Co Ltd.

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