Please Cc: me as well...

I'm having the devil of a time getting Ming and/or libswf to do a Bitmap...

Short version:
What's the most stable PHP+Ming version-compatible combo I can achieve?

I don't care about anything else for this build, not even MySQL, just 
PHP + Ming.  Or libswf, if it's better.

Moderate version:

In particular, I need SWFBitmap to do something other than segfault 
or spew out SWF error messages about SWFCharacter or not being able 
to understand perfectly valid JPEG/DBL files.

I'd also settle for "Use libswf" if I could get that to do a bitmap 
without segfaulting either.

Note that I *can* get non-bitmap Flash examples to work in Ming, so 
I'm not screwing everything up here.  And, yes, I did read the docs 
about the changes to SWFBitmap arguments of filename versus file 
handle/data-stream.  segfault or error messages, take your pick.

Long version:

Started with 4.1.2 (the one with the icky-looking phpinfo() bug) and Ming 0.2a

I'm not completely unsuccessful in getting them to "work" -- I can 
get the square red spinning example from, errr, the PHP Manual 
user-contributed notes to work.  So ming itself got compiled in okay 
(--with-ming = /usr/src/ming)

But then I plop in Rasmus' spinning PHP logo bitmap from slide 
30-something of the Spinal Injection at and I get 
a segfault. :-(

I've tried switching to/from the new/old style of handing SWFBitmap a 
file handle, or the actual contents of the file, or the *name* of the 
file, and can achieve a nice error message from Ming that it can't 
figure out what kind of file yoya (with umlats -- the first 4 chars 
in a JPEG) is, and similarly about "dbl2" for a DBL file, whatever 
that is.  (Never heard of a DBL file before today and don't know how 
to view one, but I used Ming's png2dbl utility on a PNG that looks 
okay to me...)

I've tried libswf, and it also seems to segfault on attempts to do a 
bitmap -- though I admit I'm not at all sure I'm calling the 
functions properly.  Am I supposed to just make up numbers for the 
unique objid inputs, or do they have some kind of internal meaning to 
Flash that I'm just supposed to intuit or what?  Neither library 
seems very PHP-ish, but I can at least grok the Ming lib.  At any 
rate, I can achieve valid Flash files without bitmaps in libswf as 
well, but as soon as I touch a bitmap, Bam!, segfault.

Anyway, the Ming docs mention that you have to have a standard 
0-frame JPEG or somesuch...  I've tried both JPEG 6.0 and QuickTime 
JPEG from GraphicConverter, and I verified that I did *not* do the 
progressive thang there...

Still, I don't claim to understand that buffer-0 JPEG bit of the Ming 
manual at all...

But, since I used Ming's png2dbl tool to generate the DBL file,. and 
it doesn't like that either:  Same results -- I can segfault or it 
can bitch it's not an SWFCharacter, or it can bitch that it doesn't 
know what kind of file that DBL2 file is.   So I'm pretty sure it's 
not just a bad JPEG, and there truly is something broken about 
SWFBitmap in 4.1.2 with Ming 0.2a

I've been trying to compile with 4.0.4pl1, mostly cuz I had it handy already.

After hand-editing the ~/ming/php_ext/Makefile to have the hard-coded 
include paths for /usr/local/include/php/[main|Zend|TSRM] I got it to 
compile, albeit with tons of some semi-serious compiler warnings. 
Must have been worse than semi-serious, though, as the resulting yields:
undefined symbol: VCWD_FOPEN

At this point, I'd be happy to have somebody just point me to what 
they consider the most stable versions of PHP+Ming, I think, but I'll 
take any advice at all...
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