»Scott Fletcher« sagte am 2002-04-23 um 14:45:17 -0400 :
> Hi!  I have the PHPSESSID working on every web page except one and it baffle
> me.  Have anyone have this problem before?  Anyone know of a way around the
> problem?
> Here is what happen.  On the HTML post, I use the Post String,
> -- clip --
> <form NAME="Inquiry_Form"
> ACTION='network_option_transunion.php?<?=$SID?>&type=<?=$type?>'

Well, either to a POST request *OR* a GET request, but don't mix them.
Pass the session_name() as a normal POST var with a value of
session_id(), like so:

<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo session_name();?" value="<?php
echo session_id();?>">

Same for type:

<input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?php echo $type;?">

Alexander Skwar
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