Ok, so it's a bad idea :-)  I'm aware of the security risks I'm dealing 
with here, but thanks to all those who gave me some ideas to go with.  
This WILL NOT be on a production machine, it's on my internal network 
and I'm just playing with it to see what I can do.  Have a nice day and 
thanks to all for the help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Hardiker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Creating mail account on Linux server

>> I'm curious about the same thing.  RedHat 7.2 with default IMAP.
>> > How can I create a mail account on Linux server with PHP ?

If you check the list, you will see a reply from myself with a list of
questions you need to answer for us to begin to help you.

> In general, if people need to ask such a question, then they really 
> not  ready, or do not understand the security implications of creating
> mail  accounts on a server.

I agree with Jason here.

1. An IMAP account != a mail account, thats just a MAA (Mail Access 
which allows you to read mail from a file/dir/storage space on your
machine. I use Courier IMAP for that (using ./Maildir).
2. We need to know your MTA and MDA in order to even begin to help
3. On a "default" RedHat setup you need root access (as in you need give
your php script root access) in order to perform what your asking. If 
doesnt ring alarm bells, please type "halt" at your RedHat console now.

> The first thing you need to ask yourself is why would you want to do
> it?

For the most part, I use these sort of functions from a PHP script to
administrate my system and give customers automated access to modify 
own domains. (This is all done through a MySQL firewall [as in data gets
put into MySQL from the interface, and then read by backend scripts 
that do
the dirty work - unconnected to the frontend interface for security ...
incase anyone was about to tell me what they think a firewall is])

Although I can't see these two people having the unix know-how in order 
build such a system, let alone securely.

I would make some bitchy underhanded comments about their Mother's and 
local Ameaoba slut relating to their IQ ... but I wont, cuz Im not like
that ;) heh

Jason: what dya recon on people being licensed to be able to run a unix
style operating system? heh Hell lets license people to use computers.

Dan Hardiker [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
ADAM Software & Systems Engineer
First Creative Ltd

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