php4 sessions or self made?
own session_set_save_handler?
Let us see the login code!

Ok...that's how i would do it:
After successful login i'd register a variable or
set the registered variable to a specific value.
Now i check on every page:

If (!IsSet($_SESSION["myLoginVar"] ) || $_SESSION["myLoginVar"] != "myval")
    //login page
} Else {
    // logged in

Regards Michael

"Ben Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> I am using sessions for holding who is logged in and it is kind of
> working.  I have got a few emails from customers saying they cant log in
> (and seeing as we have had less than 30 orders this is a real problem).  I
> can log in OK and cant recreate this problem.  Any ideas regarding what
> this could be would be much appreciated.
> I guess if you have cookies turned of it wont work but what else may cause
> a problem.
> Regards,
> Ben
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