George Whiffen wrote:

> 1. My biggest concern is the slowest user i.e. at the end of a modem
> on the other side of the planet.  I thought they would almost certainly
> have modem compression so doing our own compression doesn't
> really help them at all i.e. actual download speeds stay the same, it's
> just we/they do the work rather than the modems.

Have you tried it?

> In summary, I can't agree more that all pages should be compressed,
> but  don't feel it should be our job.   Maybe I'm wrong and this is another
> case of the poor old application developer having to do all the ***** work,
> just because the rest of the computing industry is too busy counting its
> profits to do its own job properly ;).

Apache isn't making any profits directly from its technology, but there
is a mod_gzip module for Apache.

Why is it so hard to put in *one line* of code (probably in an include 
file?)  Why do you consider this "all the **** work"?  You probably
spend more time fiddling with TABLE CELLPADDING than you would on 
putting this line in one place, but you seem to think it's *another 
burden*.  I look at it the other way - I love having more things under 
my control, and regardless of whether a webserver has configured 
outgoing compression or not, I can control it.

> What's everyone else think?
See above. :)

Michael Kimsal

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