Sorry I was too sleepy to realize the Red and BOLD wouldn't come through on the list.  
Here is the message again but I was smart enough this time to comment those section.

All right I've used the help that I've gotten before about this and edited this 
function of code I have.  Initially the code was meant to mail out a post to every 
email that was listed in the database.  The problem was that it sent all the emails in 
the TO: section of the email.  Now being that I didn't want to give out the emails of 
everyone on the list, I wanted to instead hardcode the TO: section and then drop all 
of the emails from the database into the BCC: section.  The problem being now I am 
getting a parse error on lines 30.  Included are the original code and my 
version(which is spitting the error).  If anyone can offer any insight as to what I'm 
missing or messing up I should say it would be most appericated.

function postNews () {
// Get input from form, and members name.
global $cookie_username, $headline, $post, $mail;
// check to see if we should send email.
if ($mail == "yes") {
global $setting_site_name, $setting_site_url, $setting_mail_email;
$fhandle = fopen("newstemps/mailpost.tmp", "r") or die("could not open 
$mailpost = fread($fhandle, filesize("newstemps/mailpost.tmp"));
fclose ($fhandle);

$mailpost = $mailpost;
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_name}", $setting_site_name, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_url}", $setting_site_url, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_mail_email}", $setting_mail_email, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_poster}", $cookie_username, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_headline}", $headline, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_date}", date("M d, Y", time()), $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_post}", $post, $mailpost);

$to = "";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");
while ($member = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
if ($to == "") {$to = $member['email'];}
else {$to .= ", " . $member['email'];}
$from = "from: " . $setting_mail_email;
mail ($to, $setting_site_name, $mailpost, $from) or $emailsuccess = "Failure sending 
if ($emailsuccess == "") {$emailsuccess = "Email Sent Successfully.";}

MY MODIFIED SECTION (I've commented the sections I changed and also the line with the 
parse error:)

function postNews () {
// Get input from form, and members name.
global $cookie_username, $headline, $post, $mail;
// check to see if we should send email.
if ($mail == "yes") {
global $setting_site_name, $setting_site_url, $setting_mail_email;
$fhandle = fopen("newstemps/mailpost.tmp", "r") or die("could not open 
$mailpost = fread($fhandle, filesize("newstemps/mailpost.tmp"));
fclose ($fhandle);

$mailpost = $mailpost;
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_name}", $setting_site_name, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_url}", $setting_site_url, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{setting_mail_email}", $setting_mail_email, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_poster}", $cookie_username, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_headline}", $headline, $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_date}", date("M d, Y", time()), $mailpost);
$mailpost = str_replace("{post_post}", $post, $mailpost);

//Everything Below here is where my changes occur
$from = "from: " . $setting_mail_email;
$bcc = "bcc: ";

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");
while ($member = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
  if ($bcc == "") {$bcc = $member['email'];}
  else {$bcc .= ", " . $member['email'];}

$headers = $from . "\r\n" . $bcc . "\r\n"
//The Next Line is where I'm getting the parse Error at
mail ($to, $setting_site_name, $mailpost, $headers) or $emailsuccess = "Failure 
sending email.";
if ($emailsuccess == "") {$emailsuccess = "Email Sent Successfully.";}

Thanks for any insight that anyone might have.

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