Lines 29, 30, and 31
$headers = $from . "\r\n" . $bcc . "\r\n"
//30 - The Next Line is where I'm getting the parse Error at:
mail ($to, $setting_site_name, $mailpost, $headers) or $emailsuccess
="Failure sending email.";
if ($emailsuccess == "") {$emailsuccess = "Email Sent Successfully.";}

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Knipe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Parse Error in my Mail Function -UPDATED

> >The problem being now I am getting a parse error on lines 30.
> Line 29, 30, and 31 is where exactly in all this??
> Kind Regards,
> Chris Knipe
> MegaLAN Corporate Networking Services
> Tel: +27 21 854 7064
> Cell: +27 72 434 7582
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Anti-Blank" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, June 07, 2002 7:53 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Parse Error in my Mail Function -UPDATED
> Sorry I was too sleepy to realize the Red and BOLD wouldn't come through
> the list.  Here is the message again but I was smart enough this time to
> comment those section.
> All right I've used the help that I've gotten before about this and edited
> this function of code I have.  Initially the code was meant to mail out a
> post to every email that was listed in the database.  The problem was that
> it sent all the emails in the TO: section of the email.  Now being that I
> didn't want to give out the emails of everyone on the list, I wanted to
> instead hardcode the TO: section and then drop all of the emails from the
> database into the BCC: section.  The problem being now I am getting a
> error on lines 30.  Included are the original code and my version(which is
> spitting the error).  If anyone can offer any insight as to what I'm
> or messing up I should say it would be most appericated.
> function postNews () {
> // Get input from form, and members name.
> global $cookie_username, $headline, $post, $mail;
> // check to see if we should send email.
> if ($mail == "yes") {
> global $setting_site_name, $setting_site_url, $setting_mail_email;
> $fhandle = fopen("newstemps/mailpost.tmp", "r") or die("could not open
> newstemps/mailpost.tmp");
> $mailpost = fread($fhandle, filesize("newstemps/mailpost.tmp"));
> fclose ($fhandle);
> $mailpost = $mailpost;
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_name}", $setting_site_name,
> $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_url}", $setting_site_url,
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_mail_email}", $setting_mail_email,
> $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_poster}", $cookie_username, $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_headline}", $headline, $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_date}", date("M d, Y", time()), $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_post}", $post, $mailpost);
> $to = "";
> $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");
> while ($member = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
> if ($to == "") {$to = $member['email'];}
> else {$to .= ", " . $member['email'];}
> }
> $from = "from: " . $setting_mail_email;
> mail ($to, $setting_site_name, $mailpost, $from) or $emailsuccess =
> sending email.";
> if ($emailsuccess == "") {$emailsuccess = "Email Sent Successfully.";}
> }
> MY MODIFIED SECTION (I've commented the sections I changed and also the
> with the parse error:)
> function postNews () {
> // Get input from form, and members name.
> global $cookie_username, $headline, $post, $mail;
> // check to see if we should send email.
> if ($mail == "yes") {
> global $setting_site_name, $setting_site_url, $setting_mail_email;
> $fhandle = fopen("newstemps/mailpost.tmp", "r") or die("could not open
> newstemps/mailpost.tmp");
> $mailpost = fread($fhandle, filesize("newstemps/mailpost.tmp"));
> fclose ($fhandle);
> $mailpost = $mailpost;
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_name}", $setting_site_name,
> $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_site_url}", $setting_site_url,
> $mailpost = str_replace("{setting_mail_email}", $setting_mail_email,
> $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_poster}", $cookie_username, $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_headline}", $headline, $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_date}", date("M d, Y", time()), $mailpost);
> $mailpost = str_replace("{post_post}", $post, $mailpost);
> //Everything Below here is where my changes occur
> $to = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $from = "from: " . $setting_mail_email;
> $bcc = "bcc: ";
> $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members");
> while ($member = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
>   if ($bcc == "") {$bcc = $member['email'];}
>   else {$bcc .= ", " . $member['email'];}
> }
> $headers = $from . "\r\n" . $bcc . "\r\n"
> //The Next Line is where I'm getting the parse Error at
> mail ($to, $setting_site_name, $mailpost, $headers) or $emailsuccess =
> "Failure sending email.";
> if ($emailsuccess == "") {$emailsuccess = "Email Sent Successfully.";}
> }
> Thanks for any insight that anyone might have.
> --
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