On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 11:29, René Fournier wrote:

> And this is the trick: Can PHP somehow fetch MySQL data over the 
> Internet? Is this possible? If so, is it necessary for me to resort to 
> new, unknown technologies like XML or SOAP, or can I do it with PHP 
> alone?

PHP can fetch (and write) data from any MySQL server that is available
on the internet. You need the hostname, a user name and a password
(details in the mysql_connect documentation). You need to be careful
about how the MySql grant tables are set so that you don't compromise
the database engine, but that's it. So yeah, you could host the Europa
tool on your servers and charge a periodic access to it. If someone
doesn't pay, disable their access to the tool - they still have their
data and database and they can use it however they want. I don't know if
that's a good business model or not, but there's not technical reason
why you can't do it.


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