
Ok, let me show some code :

  <form name=\"drama\" action=\"add2cart.php\"
method=post target=\"blank\">
   <input type=hidden name=sessid value= $PHPSESSID >
   <input type=hidden name=proid value=
$result[vProID] >
   <input type=hidden name=proname value=
$result[vProName] >
   <font color=#000000 face=verdana size=2>Quantity
<input type=\"text\" size=3 name=\"qty\"> <input
type=\"submit\" value=\"Add To Cart\"></font>

This is the SUBMIT button that submits the form
alongwith the Form Variables to a file called
"Add2Cart.php" !! But this file simply opens in an
unadministered new window.

i would like to use the window.open function, or
whatever can accomplish this, to restrict parameters
of the window in which add2cart.php opens, at the same
time the variables of my form should get submitted
into the add2cart.php

T. Edison Jr.

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