Hello John,

Friday, July 19, 2002, 12:25:12 AM, you wrote:

JW> Any ideas on why this won't work?  It will only include("inc/entrance.php")
JW> It never, no matter what the value of $mode, displays collection.php.

thinking logicaly:

JW>    <?php
JW>    $mode = "entrance";         $mode is "entrance"
JW>    if ($mode = "entrance") {              looks if mode is "entrance" which is
JW>     include("inc/entrance.php");            if was true so it includes entrance
JW>    }
JW>    else if ($mode = "collection") {         looking again if for same $mode if it 
is "collection" but it was in first line "entrance"
JW>     include("inc/collection.php");             if was false it never executes this 
JW>    }

JW>    ?>

so what are you trying to get? both included?
if yes this will include both:

   $mode = "entrance";
   if ($mode = "entrance") {
   $mode = "collection";
   if ($mode = "collection") {


   sorry if i didn't understood the question!

Best regards,
 Mantas                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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