> From: Dean Ouellette [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 9:43 AM
> Subject: [PHP] Newbie getting close, form submission
> I am a complete newbie, search the web for examples right now and use
> them.
> The host has php 3.0.  
That's really old, you really ought to be using 4.2.x

> Having problems with for submission
> Right now, no error messages, but does not actually send the email.
> Ideas?
> <?
> $MailToAddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $MailSubject = "Get Involved List";
>     if (!$MailFromAddress) 
>             {
>     $MailFromAddress = "$email";
>     }
> $Header = "";
> $Footer = "";
> ?>
> <?
>     if (!is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS))
>     return;
> reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
>     while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS)) 
>             {
>     $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
>     $val=stripslashes($val);
>     $Message .= "$key = $val\n";
>     }
>     if ($Header) 
>             {
>     $Message = $Header."\n\n".$Message;
>     }
>     if ($Footer) 
>             {
>     $Message .= "\n\n".$Footer;  // could put $Footer inside double quotes, vars 
>expand then
>     }
> mail( "$MailToAddress", "$MailSubject", "$Message", "From: // no need to quote these
> $MailFromAddress");
> ?>

There's no need to be doing all of the array manipulation.  Just use the variables in 
the array. Also turn off magic_quotes_gpc in a .htaccess file so that you don't have 
to strip slashes.

  $MailToAddress = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
  $MailSubject = 'Get Involved List';
<form here>

  if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['email'])) {
    $MailFromAddress = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];  // I'm assuming the vars were posted 
from a form
  } else {
    $MailFromAddress = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';  // vars don't expand in single quotes, but 
we don't have any here.
  $Message = $HTTP_POST_VARS['Message']; // should single quote associative array 
  if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['Header'])) {
     $Message = "{$HTTP_POST_VARS['Header']}\n\n$Message";  // need to wrap arrays in 
double quotes in {} to parse
  if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['Footer'])) {
    $Message .= "\n\n{$HTTP_POST_VARS['Footer']}"; 
  mail($MailToAddress,$MailSubject,$Message,$MailFromAddress); // don't have to quote 
vars on parms

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