I pointed this out to you in my original post:

you mail() call should be:

mail($MailToAddress, $MailSubject, $Message, "From: $MailFromAddress");


mail("$MailToAddress", "$MailSubject", "$Message", "From:

In other words, I don't think you should wrap plain $vars in double
quotes... it may be the cause of the problem, or it may just slow down PHP a
little when not needed.

For debugging, instead of sending the mail(), just do this:

echo "To: {$MailToAddress}<BR />\n";
echo "Subject: {$MailSubject}<BR />\n";
echo "Message: {$Message}<BR />\n";
echo "From: {$MailFromAddress}<BR />\n";

In otherwords, you should be looking to see if each $var you're sending to
the mail() function IS WHAT YOU EXPECT, once you're sure they're correct,
THEN you can pipe them back into a mail() call, and test.

Possibly mail() is not working on the server at all.  A great way to test
that would be to create a SEPARATE SCRIPT which just has this:

$sub = 'really simple test';
$msg = 'testing, testing\n\ntestingtesting';
$header = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';

mail($to, $sub, $msg, $header);

The reason for creating a separate script is to ensure that you're only
testing the mail() function, not anything else.

You could also try turning your error reporting on to a higher level, which
may indicate the bug.


on 22/07/02 11:42 PM, Dean Ouellette ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I am a complete newbie, search the web for examples right now and use
> them.
> The host has php 3.0
> Having problems with for submission
> Right now, no error messages, but does not actually send the email.
> Ideas?
> <?
> $MailToAddress = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> $MailSubject = "Get Involved List";
> if (!$MailFromAddress)
> {
> $MailFromAddress = "$email";
> }
> $Header = "";
> $Footer = "";
> ?>
> <?
> if (!is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS))
> return;
> reset($HTTP_POST_VARS);
> while(list($key, $val) = each($HTTP_POST_VARS))
> {
> $GLOBALS[$key] = $val;
> $val=stripslashes($val);
> $Message .= "$key = $val\n";
> }
> if ($Header) 
> {
> $Message = $Header."\n\n".$Message;
> }
> if ($Footer) 
> {
> $Message .= "\n\n".$Footer;
> }
> mail( "$MailToAddress", "$MailSubject", "$Message", "From:
> $MailFromAddress");
> ?>

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