Okay.  Unless I failed a math course in high school (which is possible) I 
think my formulas are sound.  However I'm having issues with this code.

The Intended result:  Take any image larger then 180x200 (WxH) and resize 
it proportionally so it fits within 200x180.
What I'm getting, exactly what I want, except images come back deformed or 
miscreated.  I've attached 2 jpegs that are produced by this script.  If 
anyone can help out it would be greatly appreciated

$lastnumQry = "SELECT imageID FROM images ORDER BY imageID DESC";
$lastnumRslt = mysql_query($lastnumQry, $conn);
$lastnum = mysql_fetch_array($lastnumRslt);
$newnum = $lastnum['imageID']+1;

//Set image dir
$image_root = $DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/images/';

//Create a temp image file from uploaded jpeg
$tempimage = imagecreatefromjpeg("$f_image");
$temp_h = ImageSX($tempimage);
$temp_w = ImageSY($tempimage);

//Checks that the image is not too small
if($temp_h < 50 && $temp_w <50)
        echo "ERROR: Image is less then 50x50.";
//set file name

$filename = $newnum.'.jpg';

//save image
if(!ImageJpeg($tempimage, $image_root.$filename))
        echo "ERROR: Image unable to upload!";
$smallfilename = $newnum.'_t.jpg';

if($temp_h < 200 && $temp_w <180)
        //Save thumbnail
        if(!ImageJpeg($tempimage, $image_root.$smallfilename))
                echo "ERROR: Thumbnail Image unable to upload!";
        echo "Resize beginning.<BR>";
        if(($temp_h*1.8) > ($temp_w*2))
                $ratio = $temp_h/$temp_w;
                $dest_w = 200*$ratio;
                $dest_h = 200;
                echo "ONE - $dest_w - $dest_h";
        if(($temp_h*1.8) < ($temp_w*2))
                $ratio = $temp_w/$temp_h;
                echo "Ratio - $ratio <br>";
                $dest_w = 180;
                $dest_h = 180*$ratio;
                echo "TWO - $dest_w - $dest_h";
        if(($temp_h*1.8) == ($temp_w*2))
                $dest_w = 180;
                $dest_h = 200;
        $image_t = imagecreatetruecolor($dest_w, $dest_h);
        imagecopyresampled($image_t, $tempimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dest_w, $dest_h, 
$temp_w, $temp_h);
        if(!ImageJpeg($image_t, $image_root.$smallfilename))
                echo "ERROR: Thumbnail Image unable to Upload!";
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