I wasn't clear before.  The problem I'm having, and most of the others 
folks who commented, with include is really with "include_path".

A good bit of the problem seems to be my virtual host's environment. 
Most things I've tried with directives in an htaccess don't work and the 
  error log says "not allowed" etc.

I appreciate your help.

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> What does include have to do with DirectoryIndex?  And what exactly is
> your problem with include?  The only trick is setting the include_path
> which doesn't seem all that obtuse to me.
> -Rasmus
> On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Al wrote:
>>The problem may be due to the fact that my environment is Apache Unix.
>>I spent about two hours today pouring over the php on-line manual
>>"include" spec and trying dozens of combinations.
>>There must be at least 20 user contributed notes at the bottom.
>>It is incredible that such a basic php function should be so obtuse and
>>ill defined.
>>I'm going to give your other suggestion a try tomorrow.
>>Thanks again....
>>Analysis & Solutions wrote:
>>>On Sun, Aug 11, 2002 at 12:33:55PM -0400, Al wrote:
>>>>The .htaccess approach appears to fit my situation best; but, I've not
>>>>been able to get it to work.
>>>I wondered about the DirectoryIndex directive's ability to utilize files
>>>in other directories, so did a little test, which is what you indicated
>>>you tried in your initial email:
>>>   DirectoryIndex ../index.htm
>>>Worked fine.  Apache 1.3.26.  Windows NT.
>>>So, your problem could be a web server configuration thing, as Rasmus
>>>hinted at.
>>>Beyond the things already discussed, I'm at a loss.
>>>Good luck,
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