David T-G wrote:
> Brent --
> The data file format is
>   field@@data
>   field@@data
>   ...
> and a real example is
>   comment@@this is a comment
>   latdir@@N
>   londir@@W
>   latdec@@36
>   londec@@89
>   ...
> and my code [now, after mods,] looks like
>   ...
>   if ( file_exists($filelocation) )                     # do we have an info file?
>   {
>     $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"r");                # grab it and start reading!
>     while ( !feof ($newfile) )                          # (go only until the end, of 
>     {
>       $commentline = trim(fgets($newfile));             # get one line with 
>whitespace trimmed
>       if ( $commentline )                               # a line with data?
>       {
>         list ($field,$data) = preg_split("/@@/",$commentline);  # split it
>         $content[$field] = preg_replace("/<br>/","\n",$data) ;  # replace our 
>swapped '<br>'s with original '\n's and store it in the hash
>       }
>     }
>     fclose($newfile);                                   # always lock up
>   }
>   ...
> so I'm just using fgets to read it.  The reason it looks that way is
> because, after the user has had the opportunity to edit the fields and
> hits the button, I process the data as
>   ...
>     $newfile = fopen($filelocation,"w");
>     foreach ($keylist as $k)            # loop thru keys
>       { 
> ; }     # write the clear text out
>     fclose($newfile);
>   ...
> Although I've solved the problem for now, the next version will probably
> end the data with a @@ and so I can just read another line if I don't
> have a closer.

Ignore me if this has already crossed your mind... but why not
use XML? You format would be extensible and there are utilities
that can process the input for you.

| Robert Cummings |
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