if ($update_type == update_Williams) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO events ('user', 'detaildesc', 'index', 'reference',
'date_added') VALUES (\'$cookiewho\',
\'$add_Williams\',\'\',\'$row_num\',\'$last_update\')", $sql4)
        or die ("could not do update");

Try this

if ($update_type == update_Williams) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO events (user, detaildesc, index, reference,
VALUES ('" . $cookiewho . "', '" . $add_Williams . "', '', '" . $row_num .
"', '" . $last_update . "')", $sql4)
        or die ("could not do update");

First of all, seems there is extra stuff in the query that shouldn't be
there (what is $sql4?) and you may have parentheses out of place.



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