
On 09/27/2002 09:50 PM, Peter J. Schoenster wrote:
> I looked at phpclasses but saw nothing as simple as I wanted. There's a 
> Perl module which does just what I want and perhaps I'll have to port 
> it.
> The class accepts an assoc array of name=>value, and the key to another 
> assoc array which describes the constraints for the assoc array I'm 
> passing in. Here is an example of the assoc array (it's Perl) which 
> contains all my "forms" and then the class returns 3 assoc arrays 
> (valid, invalid,missing using the key names, and this makes it very 
> easy to use in your templates e.g. if missing_name, or invalid_zipcode 
> etc.).
>   my %forms = (  
>     confirm_email => {
>         required     =>
>               [ qw(emailaddress emailaddress_verified 
> searchengine_accounts) ],
>         constraints  =>
>       {
>           emailaddress_verified => "email",
>           emailaddress   => "email",
>       },
>       filters       => [ "trim" ],
>     },
>     verify_contact_info => {
>         required     =>
>               [ qw(country lastname firstname phone state zipcode city 
> company street) ],
>         optional     =>
>         [ qw(fax) ],              
>         constraints  =>
>       {
>           #phone          => "american_phone",
>           #zipcode        => '/^\s*\d{5}(?:[-]\d{4})?\s*$/',
>           state          => '/\w{2,}/',
>           #fax            => "american_phone",
>       },
>       filters       => [ "trim" ],
>       field_filters => { phone => ["phone"] },
>     },
> The Perl module that does this is:
> HTML::FormValidator
> So far I'm find PHP stuff that does everything under the sun. 
> Anyone know of something like this?

Assumming that you tried the forms generation and validation class, what 
did you realize that was missing to match your needs?



Manuel Lemos

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