You're a Windows guy so probably you need the directory delimiters facing
the other way :)

Try this one (not tested AT ALL):

$rContents = implode( "\n", file( '' ) );

if( ($fp = fopen( 'c:\path\to\directory\outfile.txt', 'wb+' )) !== false )
    fputs( $fp, $rContents );
    fclose( $fp );

Make sure the directry path in the fopen() statement already exists since
it won't try to make the directory structure.


Simon Angell wrote:
> i tried that ine and got this...
> Warning: fopen("/test/canberra.txt", "w+") - No such file or directory in
> C:\Xitami\webpages\bomonster\test2.php on line 4
> code..
> <?php
> $rContents = implode( "\n", file(
> '' ) );
> if( ($fp = fopen( '/test/canberra.txt', 'w+' )) !== false )
> {
>     fputs( $fp, $rContents );
>     fclose( $fp );
> }
> ?>
> I think i know what the probelm is.
> .if( ($fp = fopen( '/test/canberra.txt', 'w+' )) !== false )
> should be
>  if( ($fp = fopen( '' ,
> 'w+' )) !== false )
> But, where do i put the file name and directory to write?
> --
> Cheers
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Simon Angell
> Canberra ACT
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Member of:
> Australian Severe Weather Association.
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> This email is virus free.
> Scanned before leaving my mailbox
> using Norton Antivirus 2002 for Win2k
> Scanned with the latest definition File.
> "Robert Cummings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Simon Angell wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi everyone.
> > > I asked this a week or so ago but i am unsure if it got to the list, so
> here
> > > we go again.
> > >
> > > I am trying to get a remote file to be copied onto my own web server, I
> have
> > > looked at fopen() and fread() and fwrite() and get the general idea of
> each,
> > > but im wondering how to join the commandes to get the file i want from
> the
> > > remote ftp server, copied and written onto my own server.
> >
> > Something like the following might work (not tested AT ALL):
> >
> > $rContents = implode( "\n", file( '' ) );
> >
> > if( ($fp = fopen( '/tmp/myFile.txt', 'w+' )) !== false )
> > {
> >     fputs( $fp, $rContents );
> >     fclose( $fp );
> > }

| Robert Cummings |
| Webdeployer - Chief PHP and Java Programmer  |
| Mail  : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
| Phone : (613) 731-4046 x.109                 |
| Website :           |
| Fax     : (613) 260-9545                     |

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