> I am the webmaster of the site, i pay for the server space, 
 > is that what you mean?

First up Simon, I deleted over a hundred lines of no longer relevant
content from your message including things like signatures.  You should
probably trim messages down when you reply to them...

Next up, when you say you are the webmaster, what does that mean?  What
sort of access do you have to the server?  Can you connect to the server
using ssh?  Or do you only have access to uploading files using ftp?  If
the former, you can check permissions (which is almost certainly where
your problem is) and act from the information you find.  If you don't
have ssh-style access then you'll likely be stuck with work-arounds to
make things like this do what you want.

Do you understand the concept of users, groups and permissions?  This is
a *nix thing that is not as common on Windows platforms but is of
critical importance when you start looking at issues like file creation,
particiularly in automated scripts, on a *nix box.  If you understand
them then I won't bother going further, if you don't then this is
probably where your starting point needs to be so that you understand
why the problem is occuring and will be able to deal with it in future
situations that you'll almost certainly run into.

Oh, and if you have ssh-style access then the ftp thing you're trying to
do in php should really be done in other ways - the BoM web servers are
loaded enough without receiving a hit every time someone loads your

CYA, Dave

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