What you're referring is CLI, not CGI Version of PHP.

Anyway, i assume, you're using a PHP version 4.2 or higher.
Have a look at the $_SERVER['argc'] and $_SERVER['argv'].


Am Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2002 23:57 schrieb Jim Carey:
> Hi,
> have been having problems passing parameters to a PHP script from a Perl
> script . I call the PHP script using (as an example):
> $a=`/home/ozbcoz/http/testphp.php fred=testing`; 
> print "$a"; 
> then I have a PHP script showing: 
> #!/usr/local/php/bin/php -q 
> <? 
> print "count=$argc<br>"; 
> print "0=$argv[0]<br>"; 
> print "1=$argv[1]<br>"; 
> print "2=$argv[2]<br>"; 
> phpinfo(); 
> ?> 
> the outout comes out as: 
> count=0 
> 0= 
> 1= 
> 2= 
> plus the phpinfo bumpf - which shows argc as 0 and an empty array for argv
> sny clues anyone ?
> Jim Carey
> www.OZbcoz.com discount domain registration

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