El mié, 16-10-2002 a las 10:22, Joshua Alexander escribió:
> I have to agree with Simon. I am at a loss when it comes to seeing 
> any benefit to XML that doesn't involve data exchange between at 
> least two parties.
> I've spent the last two years building database-backed websites, so 
> I'm constantly trying to improve how I build them in order to make 
> design and maintenance easier... I used to rely heavily on SSI for 
> this, and now I rely more on PHP... if XML would make things easier, 
> believe me, I would LOVE to know how... but I just don't see it.
Let's imagine you create a website of an online magazine, this magazine
publishes in HTML, PDF, TXT, PS, etc, etc, etc. How would you do it?

I would use XML to write the articles and then stylesheets to transform
the articles to the formats I want. Write once, publish anywhare ;-)

XPde :: XP-like desktop environment (developed with Kylix ;-)

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