Wow, that's not bad. About half of what I pay (the $200 for the first year part). Do you use them? I'm with right now, and am satisfied with their service, but for that kind of money, I'd switch if I didn't have to sacrifice service. Their site claims that they're using PHP 4.04, do you know if this is correct? JTL is using 4.2.2, so I'd have to check if anything I'm using wouldn't work properly on 4.04. If you're using them, do you have a phpinfo link I can look at?

Rick Emery wrote:
600 megs space
6 gig bandwidth
5 mysql databases
unlimited email addresses
$200 for first year; $70 per year thereafter. Fee includes domain registration

Fast tech support turnaround

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steve Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Php-General" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 12:36 PM
Subject: [PHP] Php web hosting

Anyone like to recommend a good host with good uptime for a high traffic
The host would need excellent technical support as well as be feature rich
(Multiple MySQL database support/listserver/SSL support etc.)

I have been trying out and they seem very good but I am
not happy with their technical support which is very slow response time. We
are based in Europe and they are in the US which might lead to problems as
they haven't answered any of our queries. Saying that they have a good
automated process in place which is easy to use.

Anyone out there have high volume sites with a feature rich hosting

Any examples of Phpwebhosting welcomed as well.


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