I'm wondering if something like this will be possible.

I am correct in thinking that POST and GET data are sent as plain text?
And, that being plain text, they should probably be highly compactable
by zip utils?

The reason I'm thinking this route is that I have a couple of forms for
some client websites that are particularly large, some of the POST data
sent are more than 2 MB, but obviously it can vary depending on the
amount of data entered by the user ( I cannot limit this, as these forms
are assessment forms, and they need to contain all relevant info,
regardless of size ).
All fields are text fields.

So, what happens now is that for some users on slow connections, these
forms can either take years or they simply time out every time.

Being a specific application with controlled number of users, I wouldn't
think it bad practise to force the user to install a "zip" package on
his pc; that's to say if it would be possible to write some client side
script (JS?) that will receive the form data, zip it, then send the
zipped packet via POST or GET as per usual to the server, where, upon
receipt, the POST package is "unzipped" and the handled as per usual.

Would something like this be possible or feasible at all? Are there
other better ways to accomplish this?


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